Eco Chat With Laura Trotta Podcast

[114] Reducing The Environmental Impact Of Your Wardrobe



When did you last purchase a new item of clothing? When did you last move an item on from your wardrobe? And where and how did you move this item on? How much of your wardrobe do you actually wear on a regular basis? I encourage you to take moment to reflect on these three questions, because you may not be aware of it, but your wardrobe may be the source of your greatest impact on the environment. Fashion Revolution Week isn’t just about questioning the social impact of the Fashion Industry, it’s also a time to shine a light on its sustainability. Today we’re taking a look at another side of fashion and I’m chatting with two gamechangers who have co-founded a clever start-up to make it easy for us to both move on quality items we no longer need and replace them with an entire new wardrobe….without spending a cent. Through SilkRoll, Erin Wold and Janet Wu have created a shared economy for high end fashion. In this episode we chat about why the fashion industry needs an eco-makeover, some of the advantages of s