Eco Chat With Laura Trotta Podcast

[110] How To Improve Your Gut Health



Gut Health, or more specifically, poor gut health has received much publicity in recent times and for very good reason. Gut bacteria and poor digestion have been linked to many diseases such as irritable bowel syndrome, diabetes, obesity, HIV, auto immune disorders, arthritis, mental illnesses and autism. Why Am I Talking About Gut Health on Eco Chat? Because looking after ourselves and our planet go hand in hand. We can’t perform at our optimum and care for our Earth if we’re sick or low in energy. Which is why I have one of Australia’s leading experts in gut health on Eco Chat today. Micheline Andrews is a nutritional health coach focusing on gut health. She is a bone broth advocate, speaker, and author of a brand-new cookbook ‘Bone Broth Basics’ , which we will talk about today.