Eco Chat With Laura Trotta Podcast

[109] How Everyone Can Heal The Earth



When most people talk about healing the environment, they mention simple acts we can do to minimise out impact. It’s rare to find someone who is prepared to go that extra mile and speak the truth… that minimising our impact isn’t going to cut it. Dr Mahdi Mason is an environmental consultant, author and land healer. She recently released her second book ‘Earth Healing: Healing the Earth to heal ourselves’ to critical acclaim. Her passion is helping people to understand the importance of reversing our environmental impacts, not just reducing them In this chat Mahdi and I talk about: What an Earth Healer is and how to become one; How Western Society can better harness the wisdom of our first nations people, particularly when it comes to how they care for Mother Earth; How humans became disconnect with the Earth and how we, as a species, can reverse this and build strong connections to the land again; How embracing our feminine energy can help to heal the Earth; Why we not only need to reduce our physical impac