Eco Chat With Laura Trotta Podcast

[104] 5 Easy Ways To Fill Your Cup This Christmas



If you’re a bit frazzled leading up to Christmas and think you have no hope getting through your TO DO list, let alone carving out time for YOU, this episode is for you. I’m sharing 5 easy ways you can fill your cup this Christmas... without even leaving the house! If we don’t care for ourselves, and keep our cup full so to speak, we can’t fill others, and we definitely can’t look after the environment. If we’re frazzled, stressed and tired, we’re more likely to make decisions based on convenience and generate more waste, not to mention spend more money in the process. More seriously, if you’re busting your butt trying to live a more sustainable, zero waste lifestyle and you’re putting yourself last, you’re much more likely to not only burn out, but get resentful too! You have my permission to take some time out and rejuvenate, even for just 5 minutes a day. Happy Christmas!