Eco Chat With Laura Trotta Podcast

[91] How To Grow Your Own Food In Small Spaces



If you value eating real foods, fresh seasonal produce and cooking from scratch but you’re yet to start growing your own food, you’re going to love this episode.   Today I’m joined by a guy who believes that gardening is for everyone. That’s right! Organic veggie gardening is no longer the domain of those with a migrant background, a large backyard or heaps of time on their hands. The trend to higher density living and dwindling backyard sizes in our cities has given rise to the conventional gardener….. a home gardener who values real food and is having a red hot go at growing their own. Mat Pember is the founder of Little Veggie Patch Co, and he’s undeniably leading the trend of growing food in small spaces. In today’s episode he’ll share some of his best tips on how you too can grow some of your own food in small spaces.