Eco Chat With Laura Trotta Podcast

[80] Fast Fashion and Why We Need A Fashion Revolution



If you’re a bit of a mindless consumer when you’re out, shopping and buying lots of new clothing and accessories for your wardrobe, well this week we’re going to change all that. Hopefully we are going to turn you into a more conscious consumer when it comes to fashion. I’m super excited to bring my guest Melinda Tually onto the show this week. Melinda is the director of Ndless: The New Normal, and she is also the coordinator for Fashion Revolution in Australia and New Zealand. Melinda advises brands and retailers on responsible business and supply chain strategy, social and environmental risks, communications, partnerships, and sourcing. The Fashion Revolution is a global movement calling for greater transparency in the fashion industry and Fashion Revolution Week runs from April 24th-30th 2017. In today’s episode, you will find out first-hand from Melinda: What is wrong with the fashion industry. Exactly what the Fashion Revolution is, how it was established, and what it is achieving. Tips and strategies t