Mom At 41 With Dr. Karen Osburn

106: No More Vanilla



Who and what experiences told you to stop to being LESS of you? In this Episode I discuss:  the epiphany I had recently listening to a Podcast that made me realize I’m been less of ME for the last several years the connections I now see with some recent very tough life experiences  the importance I feel in expreessing ALL of me, to not hold back, and which I hope will also inpsire you to do the same! Resources School of Greatness Podcast Episode: What Makes of Breaks an Entrepreneur with Darren Hardy Shit’s About to Get Real (The Facebook post that inspired this Podcast Episode) Burpees How To Video Related Mom at 41 Episodes Episode 104: Are Your Growing or Dying?  Episode 103: I’m Not Enough and Other Lies I Used to Tell Myself Momma Action Step Where in your life have you toned down YOU? Been less of you for fear of rejection, to blend in better with the herd, or to be accepted by more people? And what can you do to start TODAY to begin getting back to the REAL you? Take some time to journal, think, tal