Greener By Choice With The Green Up Girl®

15: Eliminate trash the polite way



Summer is here and folks are coming together with family, friends, and neighbors to enjoy picnics and celebrate the joy of summer. But, that means lots of trash will be generated; everything from paper & plastic plates, utensils, beverage cans & bottles, un-eaten foods, and the list goes on. In fact, Last week I went to the lake for a picnic with a group of my friends to attend a mini-high school reunion. It  was so much fun to connect, meet some of there new family members and just catch up on things that have been happening in life since the last time we saw each other. Yummy foods and fun conversations. But, the one thing I noticed was a few plastic shopping bags clipped to the end of the picnic table and folks were filling them with trash; paper plates, plastic silverware, leftover food and soda cans. Hear the rest of the story.