Mom At 41 With Dr. Karen Osburn

60: Top 5 Reasons To Never Give Up



Do you ever feeling like throwing in the towel?  With a project?  A relationship?  And yes, maybe even your kids some days? In this Episode I’m sharing:  My WHY behind this particular episode and a great reminder for me the one time when you SHOULD give up the Top 5 Reasons why you should NEVER give up! Momma Action Step Forward this podcast to someone in your life who is struggling to possibly be a beacon of hope for them in their life. Love of the Week: Sticher Review “First of all, thank you for always being so real. Listening to you is always a pleasure. As a husband and father hearing your perspective on all of these issues definitely helps me be better!”-Rammer (NEW) Kick Ass Tweetables to Share!     Don’t Give Up. You can’t push the Process. #Momat41 #Podcast #Mom CLICK TO TWEET     Top 5 Reasons to Never Give Up on the #Momat41 Podcast. #greatness  CLICK TO TWEET     Don’t give up. The world needs you to be great. #Momat41 #Podcast #Mom CLICK TO TWEET   Resources Watch the Desire Map Webinar R