Unleashed With Big Red Dog Engineering

40 - Jeff Cassell - Proposal Coordinator & Katherine Heighway - Senior Proposal Coordinator



In this episode of WGI Unleashed, we got to chat with Jeff Cassell, Proposal Coordinator who is located in our Orlando, FL office, and Katherine Heighway, Senior Proposal Coordinator located in our Austin, TX office. Both Katherine and Jeff work in our Business Development Team. They both work with our technical professionals to develop captivating responses to RFPs/RFQs that spark the interest of our clients. Jeff's experience is very broad and versatile from various forms of media which include magazine production, special print and digital projects in the newspaper industry, working at an advertising agency, and in radio broadcasting. Katherine's strategic writing and proposal development skills stem from my Bachelor of Arts degree in Journalism from the University of Texas at Austin.  Check out Jeff's podcasts Jeff Allen Sportstalk and AAC Report With Jeff Allen.