Unleashed With Big Red Dog Engineering

011 - Kristi Johnson-Noble - Recruiting and HR Manager



Episode 011 - Kristi Johnson-Noble - Recruiting and HR Manager Kristi Johnson-Noble is the Recruiting and Human Resources Manager at BIG RED DOG. She plays an important leadership role in the organization by building a Human Resources department, recruiting talent, and helping to shape the culture of the firm. In this episode, we discuss some of the challenges recruiting talent in this economy, the qualities that we look for in candidates, and how BIG RED DOG’s collaborative culture permeates throughout the company regardless of job function. We also discuss Kristi’s large family and how she likes to travel, camp, and spend time outdoors. You can learn more about Kristi and connect with her through her social media: LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/kristi-johnson-noble-2b205859/ Listen to it on Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Spotify, Stitcher, or wherever you download podcasts! If you have feedback – we’d sincerely appreciate your rating and comments in those storefronts as well. Follow BIG RED DOG and ou