Swish Edition

SE163: What Can Brown Do For You



The boys are back together and partying it up in the studio in Washington, DC. (It got so crazy, Steve even pulled off his pants!) And trust us, after this episode, you'll never look at a UPS man the same way again. Today's topics include: A gay penguin update Rick Perry the hater GoProud and their outing Our next Christmas movie selection Tales from the second half of Dale & Scott's California adventure The Swish Edition appears on Jimmy Kimmel Live! (see the screen grab on swishedition.com) We share what new music tracks are exciting the hosts right now Lindsay Lohan is naked in Playboy Nasty Pig loves Steve Jonny McGovern's new Dickmatized video HRC's new shopping app to better spend your money with LGBT-friendly companies Abercrombie rolls our 40 shirtless dudes for their Singapore store opening Rosie hates on Letterman (or the other way around?) Sony & Oprah (or America?) hate on Nate Berkus And much gay hilarity! This week's show is once again brought to you by Atlantis Events' January 29, 201