Swish Edition

SE158: Underground No More



Recorded in the brand new Swish Edition studios (the "secret underground studio" no more...the boys are finally outside of Scott's basement, it can now be revealed), this episode features the return of out pop singer MATT ZARLEY to the program. He brings to us his hot new single, "Perfect," as well as a remix of his fun "What The Fuck" track. He tells us about his new record label, his L.A. listening party hosted by Instinct Magazine on November 8, and what's been happening in his life since we last chatted in early June. We love Matt and we think you'll dig his catchy tunes and his love for giving back. Also on this episode, Dale, Scott & Steve break down their weekend, which included the soggy and bone chilling AIDS Walk Washington event, a rather eventful Halloween party, and a trip to Red Lobster. They discuss Kim Kardashian's slap-in-the-face-to-all-gay-people 72 day marriage, doctors' recommending that kids as young as 16 start getting HIV tests, the world welcomes the 7 billionth person (that's a l