Swish Edition

SE154: Year One Done



It's been a year since we went national with the Swish Edition! And on this special episode, we welcome actress & activist MICHELLE CLUNIE to the show. You guys know her best as Melanie from Showtime's ground breaking show Queer as Folk, and she shares with us tales about how often people call her Melanie; her new movie with Matthew McConaughey; whether she thinks they should ever revisit the world of Queer as Folk; her friend Leisha Hailey's Southwest Airlines fiasco; her participation in GLAAD's Out of the Closet and Onto the Screen: A Generation of Queer Film, panel discussion at Washington, DC's George Washington University’s Lisner Auditorium at 6pm on Wednesday, October 12; and, much more.  We LOVED our chat with Michelle...one of our best, most heart-felt conversations to date. And to balance out the girl...we have to have a boy and our old friend RONNIE KROELL fits the bill! He's best known from the reality competition Make Me a Supermodel, he's been a Playgirl cover model, and he's been acting is