Swish Edition

SE130: Why I Otter-Clam Chowder



You'll have to listen to this new episode to find out what the hell Episode 130's title is all about. This week, we welcome super fun, Washington, DC-based screen print artist Dave Peterson to the studio. His work is cutie cartoony and he also offers his work as t-shirts and even on underwear. We like his work so much, we commissioned a piece for our greenroom! You've got to check out BrandDave's nifty website. Sad News: Missing from this episode is Jason Royce. He was feeling a bit under but he did manage to make an interesting, if not dirty, call from his home while we were taping. We play it for you. Dale & Scott also chat with the multi-talented Willam Belli. He talks about the crazy fat-female-vampire film Blubberella that he co-wrote (you've got to see the insane trailer at the bottom of this page); his memorable roles in Ticked-Off Trannies with Knives and Nip/Tuck; his part in the new Wonder Woman television pilot; his rockin' band Tranzkontinental who regularly performs at the House of Blues on S