Boats & Billfish

Costa Rica Sea Mountain Blue Marlin



As defined by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, a FAD or fish aggregating device is a permanent, semi-permanent or temporary structure or device made from any material and used to lure fish. Well, apparently there are more than a few extremely well done and shockingly productive FADs 140 miles off the west coast of Costa Rica. The “Blue Eagle” a 61’ Viking captained by James Parker recently returned from 2 days of fishing these mysterious Costa Rican FADs with his owners, Brad Jones and Stewart Jones. How’s this for a box score: raised 72 blue marlin, got bites out of 61 and caught 21. I mean DAMN son, that’s what you call getting your game on. I caught up with Captain James Parker (check out the full podcast) and got the scoop.   B&B - You recently returned from fishing the FADs off the coast of Costa Rica. Tell me about it cap.   JP - Best fishing I've seen. It was pretty wild, lots of double headers, triples, quads coming up. There were blue marlin everywhere. There would be