Hollywood Ndnz

Ep. 33. Dylan Jefferson: Iraw War vet and Hollywood producer



Dylan Jefferson is without a doubt one of the best storytellers we've had on the podcast. In this first half of the episode, he shares his experience as a veteran (not for the faint of heart) and then moving on to the struggles of making it in Hollywood. We almost cut this into 3 parts because this was a 3 hour convo!  http://www.imdb.com/name/nm5368045/ YUUUUGE thanks to musical contributions of JJ Otero and Carolina Hoyos for the intro and end credits music, and  Jason Grasl, the intro voice. mii gwech! Special thanks to Jenny Marlowe who filled in for the travelling Tim Ramos on this one. This episode of the Hollywood NDNz podcast was hosted by Rainy Fields, Jim Ruel, and Jenny Marlowe.