The Awake With Jake Show With Jake Woodard

#167: How To Let Go



Allow yourself to feel your hurt fully. Close your eyes, observe the energy that you feel and breathe into it. Letting go hurts but it is far more painful to hold on to what doesn’t serve your true heart’s desire. Allow this empty feeling to be replaced with God’s love. You are worthy of it. One of the most difficult things I have ever had to grieve was losing my older sister, Joselyn, to heroin. Growing up, Joselyn was my hero. I thought she was so awesome because she stood up to the tyrant, our father. She was fearless, funny, outgoing but the thing I loved the most about her was how authentic she was. She truly didn’t care what other people thought about her and I admired her for that. When I was 13 and she was 17, I discovered her passed out with a heroin needle hanging out of her arm. I screamed and cried. I thought to myself, “why God? Why would anyone do this to themselves?” I didn’t understand it at the time. All of the darkness that I had to walk through was preparing me to help others to heal. I lea