Expand Your World With Queenie Kawabe

116: How Marilyn Wo Teaches Her Child to be Bilingual



Marilyn Wo is a freelance designer turned entrepreneur, mother of one. In fact, it was not until I was pregnant that I realised there's more I can do with my time to put more life in my work and family at the same time while making a greater impact in the world. I used to be a self-employed one-man web designer, and had this aha moment to grow it into a real business while pregnant. In short, I'm aspiring to grow an amazing business and be an amazing mom. This podcast will be released 3 days a week on every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. This is the place where you will learn how to achieve your highest potential and unleash your talent to the world with confident, courageous and happy in life, work and study.  I'd love your feedback! Please let me know how you're learning with me by leaving me a review. Want to connect with me? Join my exclusive inner circle where you will receive unique weekly strategies to success - www.queeniekawabe.com