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5 Ways to Use Stakes in Your Stories to Grip Your Viewer's Attention [Ep. #246]



Creating an emotional connection with your viewers is one of the best ways to get them to watch more, boost watch time, get them to watch more videos, subscribe, and keep coming back for more. Crafting your videos around a story is one of the best ways to do that, but it's a difficult skill to learn. Many people think they are telling a story, but no one really ends up caring about it because there's no stakes. There's not a reason to care about the character nor what they want nor if they even end up getting what they want.   In today's episode we talk about 5 ways that you can raise the stakes in your story to make your videos more interesting and better engage your audience.   CREATOR SPOTLIGHT: Paula doesn't have a huge channel, but you don't need a large channel to grow a successful business. People think that a bigger audience equals more money, but that's not necessarily true. She'll tell you a bit about her story here with Lennon. Check out her channel here: