Video Creators | Grow Your Youtube Audience, Get Subscribers, Tips For More Views, Strategy, And Make Money With Your Channel

Creating a Product, Tracking Income, Growing a Team, and other YouTube Business Essentials [Ep. #234]



Today is the recording some of highlights from a live stream I hosted on my channel where we answered questions like: - What's the best strategy for discovering what product your audience wants to buy from you? - How do you take a break from your social media business without feeling guilty or like it's going to hurt your growth? - How do you appropriately give disclosures for affiliate promotion? - How do you keep better track of your income? What accounting programs should you use? - How do you know when it's time to hire someone? And how do you grow a team for success in the first place? All good questions that we tackle in today's episode. CREATOR SPOTLIGHT: Kyle Easter worked hard to grow his YouTube channel by about 150 new subscribers per month, but after going through, "30 Days to a Better YouTube Channel," and changing how he does his titles and thumbnails, he quickly grew to 750 new subscribers per month. Today he shares what those tweaks were that helped him grow. Check out his channel, Jump 15, he