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Sell on YouTube Without Being Sleazy (and other business questions) [Ep. #228]



If you're using YouTube to grow your business or even create a business, we know you have all kinds of questions about what that looks like, what works best, and how to translate business practices to an online video format. After generating several million dollars on YouTube for my businesses, we're here to help you figure out how to do the same. In this episode we answer questions about selling, managing the taxes and finance side of the business, business models for entertainment channels, and more. CREATOR SPOTLIGHT: Tetsu worked for months on growing his channel with little results, but after going through our channel growth process at, "30 Days to a Better YouTube Channel," he's seeing exponential growth. Check out Tetsu's channel here: Register today for, "30 Days to a Better YouTube Channel," here: LOVE VIDEO CREATORS AND WANT TO GROW ON YOUTUBE? HERE ARE SOME NEXT STEPS! 1) SUBSCRIBE to learn how to g