Modern Manhood: The Podcast

Cold Takes: Sexual Violence Awareness and Men's Happiness equals to doing what you love, but what does that mean?



Today Veronika has a special treat in which she will share with us some findings of Sexual Violence awareness campaigns she's learned. As well we talk about the Male Happiness Scale and what really makes men happy (Hint: It's Jobs). Research on Sexual Violence Amy R. Baugher and Julie A. Gazmararian: Masculine gender role stress and violence: A literature review and future directions Carline, A., Gunby, C., & Taylor, S. (2018). Too drunk to consent? Exploring the contestations and disruptions in male-focused sexual violence prevention interventions. Social & Legal Studies, 27(3), 299-322.   Silver, N., & Hovick, S. (2018). A schema of denial: The influence of rape myth acceptance on beliefs, attitudes, and processing of affirmative consent campaign messages. Journal of Health Communication, 23(6), 505-513.    Resources on Sexual Violence SACE I am with you  Jeffrey Epstien documentary Catch and Kill Athle