The Theresa And Eddie Show - Life And Business With The Woman On Top

The Journey From Poverty to Prosperity



Carina Reyes is the middle child of 9 children. Her parents had successful careers in the Philippines while under the dictatorship of Ferdinand Marcos. Even though she was from a upper middle class family, her parents feared that the conditions of the country would only become worse with this corrupt government. There would be no future if they didn't leave soon. Carina’s father during this time was also part of a political opposition group. Right before things took a turn for the worst and her father’s friends were captured or mysteriously disappeared, Carina’s dad made the difficult decision to leave the Philippines first to seek political asylum in the US. Two years later, he was reunited with the family in San Jose, California. Carina shares the story of how this family of 11 has emerged from poverty to prosperity. Today Carina leads a consulting practice and helps people transform their business into the digital world. She is on a mission to make sure other immigrants and refugees get the help they need