Coach Glass Podcast

CGP Ep397 The Choice is YOURS



This or that, this or that. You can get with this or you can get with that! The choice is yours. I love Mondays! Turning over the page in my daily checklist notepad. Seeing all the checked boxes and crossed off list items from last week. When you look at the week you just finished you may feel like a prisoner to the duties and responsibilities you have in your business. Before you get all dramatic, let's not forget, you chose to put those items on your checklist! That week is done. Some items from last week were not completed may need to be moved to this week's list while others somehow just don't seem important anymore. The new page waits with anticipation Monday morning for me to start my week. When you look at a blank page you realize you actually have control over what you write on it. You decide whether you are making your player's programming a priority or tackling the month end. You decide if you are filling a 40 hour work week with 63 hours or taking Friday off. You are in control. This week's podcast