Coach Glass Podcast

CGP Ep387 Death Match Ego vs Soul



Can you identify your EGO? Are you aware of how it influences your life and the choices you make? Your EGO is how you identify yourself. It is all your things, accomplishments, labels you give yourself and how you think others see you. Your SOUL, on the other hand, is everything that is not your Ego. How could something that big be so hard to identify? Well to start, the soul has no identifiers. It is a feeling. It is who you are when you peel back the onion of your external life. In this episode I go DEEP into this topic and share some very vulnerable and intimate stories about my life journey. You could say I am speaking from my soul! If you want to truly find happiness and fulfillment in life you need to tap into it! This May I will hold a Mentorship for 10 individuals who are looking to challenge their potential. The Mentorship is designed to push you with your professional and personal development. The end goal is for you to leave with a DreamBIG that is truly fulfilling and a strategy to accomplish it.