Riders On The Norm

Ep 77 Edge from The Smoke Out



So I'm sending out a search party for BigScott, he's still MIA. He's really out taking care of some personal business and will be back, so hold tight! Jeff G filled in with me this week, we sat down and talked about the smoke out, our love for what seems to be the annual weather patterns in Rockingham, and tried some new medical green Cush (with a C). I recorded the interview with Edge on Monday. The Smoke Out is an awesome time. We've been going for years and it doesn't disappoint. Prepare yourself for a weekend of partying, because you may find your self in some random camp site, with some incredible and interesting folks, drinking, smoking, and God knows what else! Jeff and I talked about Vinnie being on in the show, I'll save his stuff for later on. Visit The Smoke Out's webpage at www.smokeoutrally.com