Riders On The Norm

Ep 50 The Snatch



Here we are Episode 50! It is so cool that you guys have been with us, letting us talk about absolutely nothing, sometimes interview, and most times yell at you guys. We have been really busy this year so far. We've driven all over the southeast in search of a Mobile Studio, we've flown up to Milwaukee and met a lot of you guys there, we've been to Tampa and hung out with the "crazy FL kids". It has just been really humbling to say the least. This week we took it on the road again. BigScott and I headed south to Florida to pick up the BAGO. We picked up Downtown Dan along the way to keep us company, take some videos, and drive the chase vehicle so we both could ride in the new Rig! Thanks again everyone who has bought shirts, got on patron, and listens to the show. You guys all kick ass.