Happy Self Publishing Show

3S to Effectively Work from Home



If you just started to work from home, you’ll find it’s not always easy. It’s nice to be able to lounge on your sofa and relax in your bed with your laptop, just typing away, or to be able to prep some snacks and eat it while working at the same time in your dining area. Sure! But then you begin to notice that you’re unable to finish your work on time. At one point, you’re happily typing up a report to present at the meeting tomorrow and the next thing you know, you are staring straight at your TV getting all hyped up with the soap opera only your mother was so excited about. You have practically jumped from one area of your home to another but for some reason, your attention keeps getting diverted to somewhere else that your mind finds more entertaining. You soon realize that it is more chaotic working at home than it did when you were working in the office. So let me share with you what worked for me before and up to now, as I, too, have had some difficulties working from home.