Happy Self Publishing Show

3 Ways To Get Book Reviews



Why is it important to get great positive reviews as soon as your book is launched? Reviews immediately add credibility to your book, communicating to potential customers that it is a worthy read. Also, promotional websites that can help you promote your newly published book do not accept a book without any positive reviews. If you are a new and unknown author, reviews do not come on their own! You always have to be in the pursuit of getting reviews for your book. In this video, let our founder, Jyotsna Ramachandran share to you the three methods that will help you get more book reviews for your newly launched book. P.S. If you would like to learn more about writing books, publishing and marketing, please visit our YouTube channel www.youtube.com/user/jyotsna0205/featured and subscribe so that you don’t miss any of our new videos.