Talking Football With Coach Mckie

TFP 098 - Jerry Gordon and Why the Under Front + Split Field Coverage = Domination



To be a GREAT offensive coordinator you must know what the defense is trying to do. That means you MUST study the defense. And the best way to do that is to learn from the GREATS. Coach Jerry Gordon is one of those greats. And I've learned a ton from him. That's why it's my pleasure to have him on today's episode of Talking Football with Coach McKie. You'll learn from this episode: How Coach Gordon uses the Under Front Why Split Field Coverage is the best coverage What kind of drills to use for Split Field Coverage The best route concepts to defeat Split Field Coverage How to quickly call in defensive plays Thanks for Listening! To share your thoughts: Leave a note in the comment section below. Buy My Simplified Air Raid Book Buy my Pin and Pull eBook Buy my Simplifying the Air Raid Quick Game video Get a free eBook on Air Raid Drills. Get a free eBook on The One-Back Power RPO. Follow me on Instagram. Follow me on Twitter. Subscribe to my YouTube Channel. Grab a free audiobook from Amazon. [Affilate Link]