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#28 - Conquering Limiting Beliefs, with Karen Brown



For Karen Brown, it started with the audacious goal of competing in the Ironman World Championship. An active recreational athlete, she nevertheless held herself back from that big dream for many years. Finally, she dove deep into the study and psychology of limiting beliefs—and conquered her own. She competed in the IWC in 2012, only two years after concretely deciding to pursue that goal. In this episode, Karen talks about five essential ways to get beyond limiting beliefs, starting with recognizing their presence and power in our unconscious minds. Listen now—and prepare to be inspired. Karen Brown, CEO Velocity Leadership Consulting Karen Brown is CEO of Velocity Leadership Consulting, a Denver-based business psychology executive coaching company. With more than 20,000 business coaching hours under her belt, she founded Velocity Leadership Consulting in 2012, after finding her own divine potential while training for and finishing the Ironman World Championships in Kona, Hawaii. Velocity Leadership C