Mold Firm

Do Air Allergens Report Help Determine the Source of the Mold? | Toxic Mold Lawyer Atlanta



We absolutely try to identify that, if we see that there's circumstances, and we often learn why we're there is because that there's a suspected mold problem, whether it be a leak in the wall or whether there has been a leak in the wall. So under those circumstances, if we're looking to see whether that has an effect, we can take air samples inside the wall cavity, we can take samples on surfaces, we take air samples and other samples that might be related to that, we could take bulk samples back to the lab and have them analyzed. So we absolutely can do that and try to help that. But, even beyond that we can tell them the nature of the kinds of leaks and the kinds of problems that are associated with that. For instance, if it's a toilet backup, they could have a sewage type backup. There's guidelines that are published by the EPA or the CDC. If that happens on a carpet, that carpet should be replaced. Anything that's a porous material, if you can replace it, it should be replaced. If it's a material like t