Theatre First

Marooned (Wolves Theatre Company, Melbourne Australia)



Theatre First Episode 288Stream podcast episodes on demand from (mobile friendly).Marooned – Wolves Theatre Company, Melbourne, Australia Three years ago, a mature aged actor, Guy May left a note on his bedroom door apologizing to his house- mate for what they would find. A short time before this he’d messaged a few friends stating he was thinking of leaving. One of them was me. When I received the message, at two in the morning, I was on the phone to another friend who had just been told their cancer was terminal. Instead of calling Guy, I told him to call the support services.After hearing the news that Guy was gone I completed a play that had been in my head for years. It poured out. I wrote it in two days.For more information: Theatre First RSS feed: For more Theatre reviews from Alex, visit  Subscribe, rate and review Theatre First at all good podcatcher apps, including Ap