Kubrick's Universe - The Stanley Kubrick Podcast

Eyes Wide Shut: Stanley Kubrick and the Making of His Final Film with Robert Kolker & Nathan Abrams



Episode 29 : The co-authors of a new book called, EYES WIDE SHUT Stanley Kubrick and the Making of His Final Film, have created an archeology of the film from its origin to its creation and beyond. Robert P. Kolker is Professor Emeritus, University of Maryland, and taught cinema studies for almost 50 years. He is the author of A Cinema of Loneliness, The Altering Eye, Film, Form, and Culture, The Extraordinary Image: Welles, Hitchcock, Kubrick and the Reimagination of Cinema. His current project is Triumph Over Containment: American Film in the 1950s. Nathan Abrams is Professor in Film at Bangor University in Wales. He is founding co-editor of Jewish Film and New Media: An International Journal, as well as the author of The New Jew in Film: Exploring Jewishness and Judaism in Contemporary Cinema and Stanley Kubrick: New York Jewish Intellectual. Using new interviews conducted with key cast and crew members and studying archive material at the Stanley Kubrick Archive, the authors have managed to create no