Kubrick's Universe - The Stanley Kubrick Podcast

Eyes Wide Cut with Marshall Allman



Episode 28 : Question: What do Blade Runner, The Magnificent Ambersons, Cinema Paradiso and Brazil have in common. Answer: They have all been re-edited after their initial theatrical releases. Originally released in the US on the 16th July 1999, Eyes Wide Shut, Kubrick’s final film was generally received by audiences and critics alike as somewhat disappointing. There seems to be some debate over wether the final cut of Eyes Wide Shut, that Kubrick submitted to Warner Brothers just days before his death would have been his actual final cut. The film was still 4 months away from release. In 1968, Kubrick had removed almost 20 mins of film from 2001: A Space Odyssey after it’s premiere screenings saying, “It does take a few runnings to decide finally how long things should be, especially scenes which do not have narrative advancement as their guideline.” Then in 1980, he removed the original final scene of The Shining, again after the films initial US release and then a further 24 minutes for the European c