Take Back Your Health Now! With Dr Dan Margolin

96: Breaking Down the Mystery of Our Anatomy | Dr. Christine Eckel



CHRISTINE MARIE ECKEL, Ph.D., is The Anatomy Professor. She is an author, educator, photographer, and artist. In 2015, Dr. Eckel presented a TEDx talk about the value of human body donors in health sciences education. She is currently working on a book entitled, Bodies I have Known: Adventures in the Human Anatomy Laboratory, which is an extension of this TEDx talk. Throughout the book, Dr. Eckel educates the public about the human body as told through the stories of the hundreds of body donors who gave their bodies after death for the purposes of education and research. Dr. Eckel has received several teaching honors, including an Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor award from U.C. Berkeley, a Teaching Excellence award from SLCC, and the Atlas Club award for Outstanding Teaching at WVSOM. She was awarded the Frank L. Christensen Endowed Fellowship from the University of Utah and was named the Betty Cook Karrh Endowed P.E.O. Scholar for 2004–2005. Dr. Eckel currently serves on the Board of Directors for th