Take Back Your Health Now! With Dr Dan Margolin

1: Dead for 90 Minutes and Living with a Big Heart — Cherie Aimèe



Cherie Aimèe is going to be the first former $3 million dollar bionic woman to bend realities and revolutionize the entire healthcare and business industries through the heart. 6-years ago she died. She flatlined in her husband’s arms. Doctors couldn’t resuscitate her for over 90-minutes. It took a massive team of over 100 doctors and surgeons from around the world and $3 million dollars to save her life, as she shattered medical records globally. Cherie spent 4.5 years as a pioneer patient implanted with the latest in bio-medical technology, a device known as an LVAD or bionic heart.   In This Episode: Cancer and holistic health Understanding and locating toxic relationships How Heart Disease affects women differently How maintaining positivity is so vital