

On the auspicious day of Hanuman Jayanthi (May 16th) I thought it would be appropriate to talk about the monkey mind which is a vata imbalanced mind per Ayurveda.  Recently I came across a very interesting research done by the US Library of Medicine on brain research done on vata brain, pitta brain, and kapha brain. I am sharing the result of this interesting article in this episode and how it accurately ties with Ayurveda which was told more than 10000 years back.  In this episode you will learn practical tips on balancing the monkey mind of vata - 1) How the age-old ghee called Purana Ghritha in Ayurveda helps with various mental issues? 2) How Ojas (the refined by-product of Kapha dosha) helps to bring security and stability to the vata mind?  3) What are tangible signs that give us clues that Ojas is not sufficient in life? 4) How reciting of vedic mantras and meditation help to calm and center the monkey mind? 5) I recite one paragraph of Hanuman Chalisa for you to get inspired to recite this mant