Let's Talk Stocks With Sasha Evdakov - Improve Your Trading & Investing In The Stock Market

Ep. 2: Stock Trading Rules, Why Have them, and Examples



They are made to keep you disciplined and away from trouble.You should come up with your own rules and set of expectations for when you trade. Rules apply more toward internal psychology than stock trading in general. Examples of Trading Rules 1. Do not force a trade: Many times traders and stock brokers become bored and try to make trades even if there aren't trades available If you don't see an opportunity, do not trade. Spend the day doing something else. 2. Take profits: Whether you are trading daily, monthly, swing trading, etc do not forget to take profits. The stock market goes in cycles so you need to make sure you're taking profits because eventually the stock will start retracting. 3. Be patient: If a stock is going up, let it run its course. If a stock is going down, be patient and wait until it hits the bottom. Even if the stock is retracting slightly, be patient. 4. Always honor stops: For example, if you bought a stock for $50 and you have a $1 stop, and the stock dips down to $48, you sho