Boss Barrel Radio

12/31/2019 Boss Barrel Game Music The 9'S



Topics: Music from ‘89, ‘99, ‘09 ‘19 Speaking: Griff Hoffmann, Collin Connett, Gene Sopher jr Music: Castlevania III Dracula’s Curse - Aquarius, Super Mario Land - Stage 1, Herzog Zwei- Sleight of Hand, Final Fantasy VIII - Ride On, Star Ocean 2 - Rescue Operation, Lunar: Silver Star Story  - Thieves Bazaar, Final Fantasy VIII - Lunatic Pandora, Final Fantasy VIII - Balamb Garden, Mirror’s Edge - Still Alive, 'Splosion Man. Donuts - Go Nuts!, Plants Versus Zombies - Zombie on Your Lawn, Shatter - Kinetic Harvest, Pokémon Sword/Shield - Gym battle. Sayonara Wild Hearts - Begin Again, Control - Take Control, Death Stranding - Death Stranding by Chvrchs, Final Fantasy VIII - Shuffle or Boogie