Fortunes And Families Podcast Network

Build Your Million Dollar Practice |EP 02 PEP Talks Profitable Ethical Practice | Dr. William Williams



PEP Talks - Building High Production Teams with the Practice Leadership Formula. In this episode, Brett M. Judd interviews Dr. William Williams, author of bestselling practice success book - Marketing the Million Dollar Practice.  Dr. Bill talks about starting over at 48. How being a practice owner has been more profitable than just working with his hands.  Brett and Dr. Bill then discuss how making the leap from craftsman to true entrepreneur was the key to achieving true freedom. Dr. Bill gives advice and insight in how to make the leap. Dr. Bill talks about the importance of looking past the tooth and addressing the person. How giving the patient freedom from the process and recognition that the teeth are just an accessory that patients don’t want to think about is a very profitable mindset. The “New Patient Experience “ is where the discussion ends as Dr. Bill talks about the on-boarding process at Suwanne Dental – his practice.   To learn more about the High Production Teams or the Practice Leadership Fo