Agents For Change Podcast By Trista Sue Kragh

Business Solutions Part 3



Trista continues with Part 3 of Business Solutions Q & A as she answers these questions:   1. Can people be called to the same purpose?    2. Please discuss Kingdom perspective on selling 'Kingdom' articles like T-shirts as a business?  Nothing blatant, like scriptures and religious sayings about the Kingdom...more like images like a crown or scepter, etc.    3. How do I bring the Kingdom influence in the business of childcare, music, and beauty salon without offending anyone's religion?   4. My father has a real estate business where he’s the landlord and for years he has been running it with a lack of integrity and it is losing a lot of money. I want to help take over the business and operate it under Kingdom principles so that it can prosper but I don’t believe he will stop his old ways of doing business. What advice would you give me to remain respectful to my father and help him out.   5. What Kingdom principles to apply so as to attract the resources of the kingdom of God for the business?   6. How