Eternal Leadership

010 Tim Brown - Jumping Into The Parade and Victory over Depression



The Power of Second Chances  Depression It is something that many struggle with and find it hard to get help for.  When you are depressed, you can feel so stuck that the future feels hopeless.  In this interview Tim shares practical steps on how to make those small steps forward that will bring back hope in your life.  "Tomorrow is a new day, a day of second chances--and it is up to us to go ignite that!" - Tim Brown Leaders typically find it hard to admit weakness, be vulnerable and ask for help.  Tim shares his inner journey through hell back to a life of joy and fulfillment.  After the financial crash of 2008 Tim lost over $55 million in assets as he watched forces beyond his control decimate the company he had built.  Tim's identity came from his role as a CEO, his view of his competence and how he was seen by his peers.  He had been so focused on his identity and business that his marriage fell apart as well.  Feeling that he had lost everything there were two distinct points where Tim considered just