Changing The Story With Lana Dingwall

#135: How to Use Your Business as a Vessel for Growth, Impact, and Change



The world as it is today can feel intense. There are so many expectations, responsibilities, and work to be done. It can feel very overwhelming. You might be thinking….   I want to grow and expand my business, make more money, and create more stability in my life.  But I also want to address the needs of my community and the injustices in the world, while also finding time for the healing and space that I need. How do I support and show up for others when I also feel ungrounded in these turbulent times and deeply in need of support too? Where do I start? How do I start? How do I find time to do everything, to be everything?   The simple answer is that you don’t have to do it alone. Part of our overwhelm comes from this idea that we have to do, and be, everything. But what if it was actually about coming together and being those things as a collective?  We are being called to step up.  Step up for ourselves, for those we care for, for our communities, and for people we will never meet.  I want to create a spac