Changing The Story With Lana Dingwall

#121: Learning how to work with energy and intuition in your business with Jeffrey Allen



When we try to conform, we end up losing the best parts of who we are. If we give ourselves permission to be weird, to be different, to be eccentric in whatever ways feel good for us, we'll find our authentic self. So much of figuring out who you are, has to do with forgetting who you feel you’ve needed to be in order to ‘fit in’.  Working with, talking about, and believing in energy can be considered ‘woo’ but in this community I like to think we know that there is so much possibility out there, why not believe in and utilize energy?  Energy work is like software. It’s intangible and always present. You can create software from an idea, and build it online, without needing to go to the store and buying physical supplies to do so. Energy is the same. You can imagine and create things.  With energy work, you are not chasing a goal or label. You are purely remembering all that you’re capable of, and uncovering and strengthening your superpowers. Jeffrey Allan, a world renowned energy worker and healer (maybe yo