Changing The Story With Lana Dingwall

#120: You are not a problem to be fixed....



The self help / personal development industry is huge right now. Especially in the entrepreneurial world (*cough* I am in it *cough*). This industry can be either problematic or beautiful. It just depends on which lens you are using to look at your growth and development. One lens is that you are a problem to be fixed, and the other is that you are inherently good just as you are, but are holding space to be better. It can be problematic when the narratives we create do more harm than good. When we’re told that we are a problem that needs to be fixed, we end up focusing on what we feel makes us broken, incomplete, undeserving, and unworthy. We forget that we are human beings, not machines, which means we are never broken. We don’t need to be fixed, nor can we ever achieve ‘perfection’ when we are all so beautifully different and complex. We weren’t ‘built’ to be perfect and that’s where self help can sometimes be problematic: when it treats us as if we are broken and that if we were just tinkered with enough,