Biz Women Rock! With Katie Krimitsos

The Finale - An Intimate Interview with Katie Krimitsos



Well, my we are.  At the end.   Today’s episode is the last of the Biz Women Rock podcast.  To celebrate, Chris (my hubs) is interviewing me.   I want to leave you with this… Everything I created for you all these years has been because I have needed it.  The inspiration, the motivation, the organization, the leadership, the cheerleading, the support...I have needed it all.  And I knew that by creating it for you, I would be forced to step into it for myself.  In order to serve you, in order to have a prosperous business, I have had to face limiting beliefs, money blocks, foundational issues of worthiness and not-enoughness and so much more internal shit.  And of course, I’ve had to learn better ways of doing business...better strategies, better organization, better marketing, better leadership.   I am just like you.  A woman doing her best to create her own abundant, meaningful journey.  It’s messy, imperfect and painful. And magical and deeply fulfilling and worth every single second. Thank you