Biz Women Rock! With Katie Krimitsos

How to Grow an Online Business From Scratch with Ashley Kitchens



When Ashley Kitchens began working with me as a private client, she only knew one thing: she loved sharing with people about plant-based eating and wanted to reach more people.  She didn’t know what that would look like as a business, but she did have about 5,000 people following her on Instagram.   Over the year, Ashley has bravely taken baby (and sometimes GIANT) steps into her greatness!  And during this conversation, she shares about the evolution of her online business model from zero to now! She currently has 13 private clients, an email list of 1000 who have downloaded her free 1 week meal plan, 200 people who have purchased her 1 month meal plan and currently has 13,000 followers on Instagram.  She’s speaking at some big conferences in her industry and will be rolling out her signature program in early 2020.   She is totally on fire! During our interview, Ashley shares… What it was like offering her first paid product! How she completely changed plans after her first paid product was out, choosing to