Biz Women Rock! With Katie Krimitsos

Why Biz Women Rock is Going on Sabbatical - BIG ANNOUNCEMENT



Today’s episode is sharing THE REAL behind the scenes reasons why Biz Women Rock is going on sabbatical.  The podcast, the business and the private Facebook Group...they’re all getting archived on December 2, 2019.  Perhaps this is a shocker for you and you’re wondering, whaaaat?!  Why???!  Or, perhaps you’ve seen it coming. You’ve noticed I haven’t been as active in our Facebook Group or have skipped a few episodes here and there, know I’ve been talking about the Women’s Meditation Network ( a lot lately.   Either way, my intention behind today’s episode is to share the entire business and life journey I’ve been on for the past 2 years and all the emotional and strategic reasons I’m saying goodbye to Biz Women Rock.   I’m sharing… Why my very realistic plans to bring in $300,000 in 2018 were completely sidelined when I found out we were pregnant with our second daughter.  Why two big reasons I launched a brand new business - the Women’s Meditation Network - in all that cha